Category Archives: Web Design

Link to the HTML version: retail.html (ConstantContact friendly version)

Link to the HTML version: park_rec.html (ConstantContact friendly version)

Link: Link:

Header images for newsletter and email campaigns. 1. Hotelympia Pre-show 2. KOA Trade show 3. Park & Recreation Trade show 4. Marriott New Products 5. April Promo 6. May Free… ver.2 West coast(vancouver) retail & hospitality job posting site. Family websites:, They are offline at the moment. Have talked with my ex-boss, he would like to re-open…
WISH Korea Ver.2 One of WISH Canada branches website. Work and study, IT Internship and working Canada programs. * IE Friendly site *
Screenshots of Music Valley ver.1 and 2 We had 3-4 websites for the different business areas. Unfortunately they closed business in march 2007.